Friday, February 5, 2010


Life can b so unpredictable. One moment you will in high spirits and the very next moment you will be thinking 'o o not again. Why is it going wrong again' . But I guess that is life all about. When your pillow gets drenched with tears, turn around and you will see that you are giving a hype to something that deserves so very little attention. Sounds all rosy rosy when the orator is one who is not going through a bad patch at the moment. But think about it if the person delivering such speeches is herself going through all this. No prizes for guessing who is going through all this.
I was thinking as to why things are not working out the way I wanted. Why am I at the receiving end all the time. And that is when God tells me that there are people who have gone through situations worse than this and He still gave them the strength to come out victoriously.
Not again... One more uninspiring what you will be thinking. Your choice.
My maid who is just 25years is already a widow with no kids. Her husband was too good it seems. Her childhood was tough. When she was supposed to be in school she was busy carrying sacks on her head to make ends meet. She did not complain. She does not whine either. I just felt so guilty that I claim to be a child of God but do not have the faith to trust Him. My God shall supply all my needs is what I should have thought. Instead......(well nothing new about it).
I know my Jesus will never let me down and He never has :-)


  1. i wish jaimy i cud be this open wid my emotions...unfortunately..i have always ben afraid of showing my weaker side...hardly 2-3 ppl know my real self....but the first two para were too similar to the phases of my life...everytime i think its all set good and rosy breaks down..falls apart like a sand castle..

    but u know what Life goes on...and it shud...we all are on a test...some questions are difficult but anyways the phase ll pass...have faith dera...things ll turn to be better...they always do :)

  2. well heena.... all I can tell is to be true to yourself. No point in showing out that you are strong when you are not.
    And I am fine... don you worry. :-)
    God bless

  3. Yes It happens bcz we dont play our role honestly,if we play politics in our relation God is there to punish us,if its not punishment then understand that God is testing us.

    but we know ourself better what we have done.


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